Q: How do I join the Barracudas Swim team?
- If you were not on the team last year, you must attend one of the New Swimmer Evaluations at the pool. It is recommended that you also attend the Parent Meeting
- Evaluations are the Tuesday and Friday after Memorial Day, at the pool, at 5 PM
- The Parent Meeting is held the Tuesday after Memorial Day, at the pool, RAIN or SHINE, at 7 PM
- If you pass the evaluation, you must register. See the next question
Q: How do I register for the Barracudas Swim team?
- You will need to register in 2 places
- 1. With Montgomery County
- New Swimmers will need to do this in-person at either Evaluations, or the Parent Meeting, after being accepted to the team
- Returning Swimmers can do this in-person, or through ActiveMontgomery. Registration typically opens in mid-May
- 2. On this website. When Registration is open, there will be a button at the top of the page. It typically opens around the same time as the Montgomery County Registration
- You must complete both steps before being able to swim at Practices/Meets
Q: What are the age and swim requirements to join the team?
- Swimmers must be between 5 - 18 years old. Swimmers must be able to comfortably swim one length of the pool (25 yards) without stopping. We do not offer "pre-team"
Q: When are practices?
- See the Practice Schedule page for specific days/times
- All practices are held at the Bethesda Outdoor Pool.
- When school is still in session, they will be weekdays, in the afternoon/early evening.
- Once school has ended, there are morning practices Monday - Friday, and evening practices 3 days a week.
Q: Is there a required amount of practices to attend?
- No, there is no requirement. However, the more practices and meets you attend, the more you will get out of the program
Q: When and where are the meets?
- "B" meets are held Wednesday evenings at 6 PM
- "A" meets are held Saturday mornings at 9 AM, not every swimmer will qualify to participate in A meets
- Half of each kind of meet will be held at the Bethesda Outdoor Pool, the other half will be held at other pools throughout the county
Q: How can I get more information about Swim Meets?
- See the Swim Meet FAQs page
Q: Is there a team participation requirement?
A: If you would like to be eligible to swim in the Saturday A meet, you must attend and participate in at least one team event during the week preceding the A meet in question. This requirement may be satisfied by any one of the following:
- swimming at any practice
- for 13 & overs, helping out at a practice for a younger age group
- swimming the B Meet (or volunteering / coming to cheer at the B meet)
- attending a team social
- completing work that qualifies for SSL hours.
** Please note that attending the previous A meet does not satisfy the requirement. Exceptions may be granted on a case-by-case basis only if you notify coaches in advance.
Q: Which events can I swim at B Meets
A: Each swimmer must sign up on-line for the B Meet before 5 pm on the Monday before the meet.
- You can only sign up for three events and the individual medley (IM)
- You cannot sign up for events swum in the prior A Meet
- Swimmers under 11 must have permission from a coach to swim the 100 IM, breastroke or butterfly (ask a coach if your child is legal).
Q: Who can swim at A meets?
A: For each age group, the top 3 swimmers each week in backstroke, breastroke, butterfly & the IM (and the top 6 swimmers each week in freestyle) are invited to swim at that week's A meet. Each swimmer must sign up on-line for the A Meet before 10pm on the Wednesday before the A meet.
Q: Is parent involvement required?
A: Yes, parent involvement is absolutely required. It takes over 30 parents to run a dual swim meet. Parents are expected to volunteer at a minimum of 4 events. The jobs are easy and we provide on the job training. Please sign up for the meets your child swims in. See the 'Volunteer' section of the Swim Meet FAQs page