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Signup Instructions for Swims and Jobs at Meets

First, you must Login

Go to the Signup Calendar

For each Saturday meet:

  1. click on Meet Entry
  2. under the section titled "Your family swim meet status" click Edit
  3. for each swimmer choose the appropriate item from the Dropdown
  4. click Save

Choose your events based on these guidelines:

All swimmers must perform a “legal” stroke to participate (ask a coach if you are unsure). Swimmers can choose a total of three individual strokes and one IM per week.

Please sign yourself up to volunteer if you will be at the meet!

After saving your swimmer's attendance, go back to the Signup Calendar

Click the green JOB SIGNUP button

Most jobs do not require any prior experience. In order for Meets to run successfully, all these jobs are required

Many jobs have an information button next to the Job Name to explain the duties of the job, or you can go to the Swim Meet FAQs page and read more in the 'Volunteer Jobs' section

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